Program Overview:
The oil refining industry and distributions continues to be a key supplier of world’s fuels, but it is
being transformed and reshaped by a number of new global and local drivers: margin volatility,
increased regulatory control, global competition, changing crude slate, capital constrains, new
technologies, data science which will be covered during this training course.
Who should attend?
- Operation Engineers and Staff
- Chemical Engineers
- Production Engineers
- Process Engineers
- Technical Supervisory Staff
- Plant Engineers
- Lab Staff
- Petroleum Products and Distribution Staff
- Quality Specialists
- Measurement and Quality Control Staff
- Foremen
- World-wide crude oil supply and demand
- Important petroleum product demand trends
- Overview of refinery process technology
- Overview of products distribution system
- Impact of market demand and crude oil quality on refinery
- configuration
- Refinery/petrochemical integration
- Refinery margin calculation
- How do refiners select crude oils?
- Case study of new grassroots refinery
- Options for increasing refinery profitability
Contents & Outline:
DAY ONE: Crude oil quality
- Crude oil composition
- Bulk crude oil properties
- Oil& Gas Industry
- Difference between Petroleum Refining vs. Petrochemical Industry
- Overview of the most important operations and products
- Market insight (supply/demand) as well as (production/consumption)
- Several Petroleum Refineries Globally
- Unit Operations & Processes
- Refining and Fractionation
- Atmospheric Distillation Column
- Vacuum Distillation
- Hydrotreating (Hydrogenation)
- Blending & Reforming operation
- Isomerization methods
- Alkylation methods
- Steam Cracking
- Fluid Catalytic Cracking
- Gas Sweetening (Hydrodesulfurization)
- Coking operation
- Petroleum refinery products & properties
- Refinery operations & equipment’s
- Petroleum products storage, piping, capacity, distribution & quality.
- Refined products pretension loss
- Static and dynamic measurement for products
- Custody transfer system