Course Description
Knowledge about the components of modern irrigation systems, how to install the main line and lateral lines, and how to maintain the components of the irrigation networks, starting with pumping units, electric motors, filtration and fertilization equipment, as well as water meters, valves, control devices, pipe network, drippers and sprinklers. And finally, the evaluation of localized and sprinkler irrigation networks
The purpose of the Course
Raising the capabilities of trainees through modern syllabus in applying the maintenance methods of modern irrigation systems that are internationally approved and all that is needed for the agricultural engineer and technician to successfully manage, operate and maintain the modern irrigation project and assist farm managers for providing the required water to the plant while identifying realistic and practical techniques and applications. During the training period, activities and practical exercises will be carried out. Lastly, preparing and qualifying workers with the necessary skills to fill technical and technical occupations that are available in the labour market.
Detailed objectives of the course
- Irrigation system components installation
- Maintenance throughout the irrigation season and periodic maintenance of the pipes networks
- pressure regulator maintenance
- Maintenance of main and laterals pipelines
- Maintenance of valves and sprinklers
- Maintenance of the centre pivot system
- Measurement of sprinklers discharge at operating pressures
- Water Distribution Uniformity in Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
- Evaluating Distributers Quality for localized irrigation networks and Emission uniformity.
The target audience
This course is designed for:
- Anyone who wants to maintain the modern irrigation networks project.
- Agricultural Development Fund.
- Project managers and assistant project managers.
- Irrigation engineers and agricultural technicians.
It also focuses on individuals who wish to develop their skills in operating and maintaining modern irrigation projects.