Execution and Handover of Finishing Works

Online price: SAR 1200

Offline Price: SAR 2600

Course Duration: 5 days 06pm TO 10pm

Duration (Hrs) 20 Hours/Hours

Course date: 26/01/2025

Course date (2): 23/02/2025

Course date (3): 23/03/2025

Course date (4): 31/12/2023

Course Mentor: ESI

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Course Overview:

The “Execution and Handover of Finishing Works” course is a training program aimed at providing participants with an understanding of finishing works, their types, and the procedures involved in receiving and delivering them.

Course Objectives:

  • Familiarize participants with different types of finishing works.
  • Learn how to execute finishing works effectively.
  • Understand the steps involved in receiving finishing works.
  • Gain knowledge of the steps involved in delivering buildings.

Course Contents:

  • Introduction to finishing works: Understanding the concept and types of finishing works.
  • Finishing works handover guide: Exploring the guidelines for receiving finishing works.
  • Steps in executing building finishes: Understanding the process for plumbing and electrical finishes.
  • Steps in executing paint and flooring finishes: Exploring the process for paint and flooring works.
  • Steps in executing façade finishes: Understanding the process for façade works.
  • Building maintenance after finishing works: Techniques for maintaining buildings after completion.
  • Handover procedures for finished buildings: Understanding the protocols for delivering finished buildings.

By the end of this course, participants will have gained a comprehensive understanding of finishing works, enabling them to effectively execute and deliver high-quality projects.