General Objective:
This training program aims to empower participants with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and awareness of how to develop the basic skills and knowledge of the trainee through mechanisms to enhance the review and adoption of designs, material specification, quantity surveying, and bring them to international levels. It also aims to bridge the gap between architectural and structural plans and their compatibility with mechanical and electrical plans. Additionally, it aims to equip trainees with basic knowledge and skills before entering the field of quantity surveying, including calculating the areas and volumes of simple and complex shapes.
Training Methodology:
This training program involves a range of interactive activities, group and individual exercises, case studies, and discussions, in addition to presenting the latest theories and thinking methods. The training environment will provide the necessary support to encourage individuals, regardless of their level of experience, to share the curriculum they are currently using as well as to experience new curricula they will learn during this training program. The trainer will be prepared to answer any questions participants may have and will assist in building and implementing new curricula. The aim is to provide participants who attend this course with a sense of the significant value offered by this mix of learning styles and methods.
Impact on the Organization/Company/Organization:
The attendance of employees in this training program will benefit the organization/company/organization in the following ways:
Learning from the success by examining others’ experiences.
Presenting practical examples of best practices and well-documented failures to maximize the chances of success in reviewing and adopting designs, material specification, and quantity surveying.
Acquiring skills and confidence to deal with reviewing and adopting designs, material specification, and quantity surveying and applying best standards according to the Saudi Building Code.
Impact on Trainees in this Training Program:
Members of your team will learn and have the opportunity to practice methods for:
Understanding metric and English units and converting between them.
Learning basic skills before entering the field of quantity surveying, including calculating areas and volumes of simple and complex shapes.
Training on calculating different areas and volumes.
Understanding principles of trigonometry and cross-sectional area.
Practicing preparing quantity tables.
Knowing types of project tables and the differences between them.
Improving technical and design levels of construction plans.
Preserving Saudi architectural heritage.
Clarifying building conditions, instructions, and regulations.
Facilitating the task of municipal engineers, speeding up their work, and unifying the principles they work with.
Evaluating key elements of design plans.
The working method of reviewers and adopters of designs.
Simulating work development and measuring performance.
Mechanisms for professionally describing materials and preparing quantity tables.
Reviewing and setting standards for measuring the performance of reviewers and adopters of design plans.
Program Topics:
Pre-program assessment to determine the trainees’ level before starting the training program.
Introduction to the training program: Review and adoption of designs, material specification, and preparation of quantity tables.
First: Special Studies
Second: Circulars issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing to date
Building systems
Planning systems
Soil studies and their compatibility with construction plans
Building violations
First, review and approval of architectural design plans:
– Ensuring compliance with building system standards (heights, usage, setbacks, required parking spaces).
– Ensuring the suitability of entrances and exits with traffic flow on surrounding streets.
– Comprehensive review of the dimensions and layouts of internal spaces, corridors, stairs, doors, windows, etc., and providing feedback.
– Providing natural and artificial lighting as well as ventilation for all spaces.
– Reviewing facades for aesthetic appeal, materials used, and colors in harmony with the architectural character of the area or city.
– Ensuring safety requirements (fire extinguishing, fire alarm systems, etc.).
– Verifying architectural plans’ compatibility with structural plans (axes, dimensions, column locations, etc.).
– Considering the needs of people with disabilities.
– Incorporating thermal insulation according to regulatory instructions.
– Providing privacy for neighbors.
Second, review and approval of structural design plans:
– Reviewing designs and calculation memoranda for structural plans, ensuring all structural drawings and details are drawn to an appropriate scale, including:
– Verifying soil requirements and reviewing foundation designs to determine soil stress and compare it with allowable stress, foundation type, and precautions for waterproofing foundations in case of high groundwater levels.
– Ensuring structural plans align with architectural plans and that all architectural requirements are taken into account.
– Ensuring all structural details and column axis drawings and reinforcement schedules are available.
– Verifying structural notes such as concrete stress, reinforcement yield stress, foundation waterproofing methods, use of epoxy-coated reinforcement when necessary, and others, such as concrete cover, spacing between main reinforcement bars, and channel spacing.
– Reviewing calculation memoranda and ensuring design compliance with Saudi Building Code specifications, including:
– Studying the structural stability under live, dead, wind, seismic, and other loads.
– Studying the adequacy of all structural sections under all loads the building is exposed to according to Saudi Design Code requirements (or any international code if not available in the Saudi code).
– Ensuring serviceability, such as avoiding cracks exceeding specified limits, large deflections, floor vibrations, or tank leaks.
– Carefully selecting appropriate concrete types (such as high-strength concrete) and ensuring sufficient concrete cover to protect reinforcement from corrosion, insulation, fire resistance, etc.
– Ensuring all moisture insulation works are provided to prevent water leakage and other factors that may affect the structure’s use.
– Structural elements requiring review include:
– Slabs, beams, stairs, shell slabs, and other shapes.
– Girders, deep beams, and tendons.
– Columns, shear walls, and reinforced walls around stairs and elevators.
– Isolated footings, continuous footings, raft foundations, retaining walls, piles, and pile caps.
– Lower and upper tanks and sewage tank (septic tank).
– Ensuring that the calculated values are accurately documented on the drawings according to Saudi specifications, and in the absence of Saudi specifications, international specifications can be used.
– When reviewing drawings and structural details, the following should be considered:
– Axis and column plan:
– Drawing scale should not be less than 1/100 for axis and column plans and 1/10 for column details.
– Dimensions and alignment with architectural plans.
– Column centers dimensions with respect to axes.
– Dimensions and locations of concrete walls such as shear walls, staircase walls, elevator walls, and retaining walls.
– Column and axis labeling.
– Expansion joint locations.
– Column tables and details (column dimensions and shape, longitudinal reinforcement, channels, etc.).
– Foundation plans:
– Base dimensions (with dimensions between centers and axes in two perpendicular directions for description).
– Foundation labels with their axes.
– Foundation tables (reinforced and normal foundation dimensions, longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, box-shaped reinforcement in two directions, and notes).
– Foundation details (section and two perpendicular cuts).
– Common and continuous foundations details if any, with their details (sections and reinforcement detailing).
– Tendons between foundations if any, with details (sections and reinforcement detailing).
– Labeling of tendons (tie beams) at foundation level if considering seismic resistance, or any other reasons with necessary details.
– Ordinary tendon labeling with necessary details.
– Girders and slabs.
– Reinforcement and dimensions details in case of common foundations, slabs, or retaining walls considering the presence of stirrups, chairs, execution joints, and expansion joints.
– Structural notes (design concrete stress, reinforced concrete stress, foundation soil stress, and foundation level).
Ce document est une liste détaillée des éléments à vérifier et à approuver dans les plans architecturaux, structurels, sanitaires et électriques d’un bâtiment. Voici une traduction en anglais de cette liste :
**Architectural Design Plans Review and Approval:**
**Review and approval of architectural design plans:**
1. Ensure compliance with building system standards (heights, setbacks, parking requirements).
2. Ensure adequacy of entrances and exits in relation to traffic flow in surrounding streets.
3. Comprehensive review of interior spaces, corridors, staircases, doors, windows, etc.
4. Provide natural and artificial lighting and ventilation for all spaces.
5. Review façades for aesthetic appeal, materials, and colors in line with the architectural character of the area or city.
6. Consider safety requirements (fire extinguishing, fire alarms, etc.).
7. Ensure architectural plans align with structural plans (axes, dimensions, column locations, etc.).
8. Consider requirements for people with special needs (disabled individuals).
9. Ensure thermal insulation is used according to regulations.
10. Ensure privacy for neighbors.
**Structural Design Plans Review and Approval:**
**Review and approval of structural design plans:**
1. Ensure compliance with soil requirements and review foundation designs.
2. Ensure alignment of structural plans with architectural plans.
3. Verify all structural details and reinforcement schedules.
4. Review structural calculations and compliance with building codes.
5. Ensure structural stability under various loads (live, dead, wind, seismic).
6. Ensure serviceability (e.g., no excessive cracking, vibrations).
7. Select appropriate concrete types and ensure adequate cover for reinforcement.
8. Ensure proper moisture insulation to prevent water leakage.
9. Review elements such as slabs, beams, columns, foundations, etc.
10. Ensure accurate documentation according to Saudi specifications or international standards.
**Sanitary Design Plans Review and Approval:**
1. Review and ensure compliance with Saudi or international standards.
2. Ensure proper placement and capacity of water tanks.
3. Consideration of tank locations away from sources of pollution.
4. Proper coating and treatment of tank walls and floors.
5. Proper plumbing installations, pipe diameters, and gradients.
6. Ventilation line routing and heights above building level.
7. Review sewage tank location and depth.
8. Review internal and external sanitary installations.
**Electrical Design Plans Review and Approval:**
1. Review and ensure compliance with Saudi or international standards.
2. Check electrical symbols and load calculations.
3. Review circuit loads and distribution.
4. Review voltage drop calculations.
5. Ensure proper voltage drop limits.
6. Check lighting intensity calculations.
7. Verify electrical loss calculations.
8. Review and approve electrical design details.
These are the main points summarized from the provided text. Each section outlines the specific aspects that need to be reviewed and approved within the respective design plans.
Review of Electrical Transformer Loads (if applicable):
– Ensure accuracy of data for sub-main and main electrical panels and their alignment with loads (main and sub-circuit breaker capacities, wire sizes, cables, neutral and ground connections).
– Verify building power supply system (voltage, phases, frequency according to residential/industrial zones).
– Ensure inclusion of basic electrical protection systems against overload, earth leakage, and voltage drop.
– Match circuit numbering with sub-circuit breaker numbers on distribution panels.
– Ensure provision of guidance for extending public telephone conduits according to relevant authority instructions.
– Ensure availability of illustrative drawings for implementing and constructing grounding systems.
– Ensure availability of illustrative drawings for implementing and constructing lightning protection systems.
Mechanical Design Plans Review and Approval:
– Review mechanical plans and ensure compliance with Saudi or international standards.
– Review mechanical symbols tables and quantities tables and match them to the drawings.
– Audit centralized air conditioning and ventilation calculations and any other mechanical works.
– Check mechanical equipment or unit operation switch numbering against operation panels.
– Ensure provision of general guidelines as per instructions.
– Ensure availability of illustrative drawings for implementing mechanical equipment, units, or devices.
After completing the review and approval of the design plans, quantities tables are prepared by identifying the items necessary for executing the works and quantifying these works, as well as preparing the project’s technical specifications.
Preparation of Quantities Tables:
– Calculation and quantification of quantities for all design plans (architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical).
– Post-training assessment to determine trainers’ proficiency levels.
– Delivery of attendance certificates to trainees.
Requirements and Tools Needed for Training:
– Devices and equipment: Device connected to the Internet and Zoom program.
– Training materials: A comprehensive training kit for trainees.
– Others: Trainee guide for the training program, and a worksheet for the training program.
Target Audience:
This training program targets:
– Managers and supervisors of studies and designs.
– All employees in the field of design.
– All employees and managers tasked with reviewing design plans, whether in the public or private sector.
– Those who may participate in committees for reviewing, auditing, and approving design plans.