IOSH managing safely

Online price: SAR 1200

Offline Price: SAR 2400

Course Duration: 5 Day PM6 To PM10

Duration (Hrs) 20 Hours/Hours

Course date: 31/03/2024

Course date (2): 12/05/2024

Course date (3): 09/06/2024

Course date (4): 14/07/2024

Category: Safety

Course Mentor: ESI

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Providing a safe working environment, mitigating various risks, and enhancing efficiency and preventive measures will undoubtedly lead to a reduction in occupational injuries and diseases. It also protects workers and the organization from accidents, thereby reducing the number of lost working hours due to sickness or injury. Additionally, it helps reduce the costs of treatment, rehabilitation, compensation for occupational illnesses and injuries, as well as material and non-material losses. This, in turn, reflects an improvement in productivity, and contributes to the economic strength of the country.

About the Course:

The British Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has designed the Managing Safely course specifically for safety engineers, safety managers, project engineers, and project managers working in contracting companies and consulting firms. The course provides them with a comprehensive understanding of safety management, risk identification, assessment, and control, as well as performance measurement and accident investigation.

Course Objectives:

1. Introduce participants to risk assessment and identification.
2. Familiarize participants with risk control.
3. Help participants understand their responsibilities.
4. Familiarize participants with accident investigation.
5. Introduce participants to performance measurement.
6. Provide participants with an overview of environmental protection.

Target Audience:

– Safety engineers and managers.
– Project engineers and managers.
– Personnel working on construction sites and industrial sites, including consultants, experts, managers, and department heads, in both public and private service and production institutions.

A copy of the certificate